
037 – Daily Rituals 2 – Real English Conversations

Hi English learners! Lori here, your teacher from In this episode of Real English Conversations, you’ll hear part 2 of my conversation with Kyla. We’re discussing a book that we both really liked. It’s called Daily Rituals, by Mason Currey. The book describes the daily routines and habits of 161 creative people, people like […]

037 – Daily Rituals 2 – Real English Conversations Keep reading »

036 – Daily Rituals 1 – Real English Conversations

INTRODUCTION Hi English learners! Lori here, your teacher from In this episode of Real English Conversations, you’ll hear me talking to Kyla, a fellow musician. We met up to talk about a book that we both really like. It’s called Daily Rituals, and was written by Mason Currey. But as it turned out, Kyla

036 – Daily Rituals 1 – Real English Conversations Keep reading »

REC004: Language Mining with Carsten Peters

In this episode of Real English Conversations, Lori talks to Carsten Peters of the Language Mining Company. This is the very first time Lori and Carsten ever spoke to each other, so it’s an authentic example of two people getting to know each other. A native speaker of German, Carsten is a podcaster, published author, language coach, entrepreneur, and is keenly interested in the science and practice of language learning and acquisition. He’s a great example of a successful learner of English as a foreign language. This episode presents the first part of the conversation in which you hear them getting to know each other, and then moving on to exchange their ideas about how adults and children learn languages, and the role of motivation and structure for adult language learners. The vocabulary notes for this episode focus on phrasal verbs, as well as informal words and phrases that might be difficult to understand.

REC004: Language Mining with Carsten Peters Keep reading »

035 – There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep – Real English Conversations

In this Real English Conversations podcast, you’ll hear Lori and her mom talking about their bedtime routines and what they do to get good night’s sleep. The conversation includes lots of idioms and phrases related to going to bed, sleeping, waking up, and daily routines, and these interesting language items are listed in the vocabulary notes.

035 – There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep – Real English Conversations Keep reading »